
Vibrato Alto Sax A1S3 Nude 中音色士風 (透明管身)



現貨顏色: 白色, 黑色, 彩色
附送: 色士風盒 (硬紙及發泡膠製), 吹咀 (隨機顏色), 牙膠貼, 抺布 (一大一小), 頸帶
請注意: 本產品不設送貨。現時最新的型號是 Vibrato A1S3 透明管身, 以前生產過的所有型號 (包括管身顏色), 均已停產.



泰國 Vibrato 的創辦人 Piyapat Thanyakij 先生是位業餘色士風樂手。Piyapat 想教自己的仔女學習吹奏色士風,但樂器重量對仔女來說是一個大考驗。為了把色士風這種樂器普及,也讓小朋友可以學習這種樂器,Piyapat 花了多年時間,跟德國的塑料生產商,合作研發適合製作色士風的塑料。2010 年底,Vibrato 正式推出以塑料製造的中音色士風。
Vibrato Sax 中音色士風,淨重大約 900 克,只有一般黃銅製中音色士風約30%的重量。除了輕巧,Vibrato 的純白造型,加上可以更換不同顏色的音孔墊,也成為這把塑料色士風的另一賣點。
當然,吹奏色士風者都著重樂器的音色。不少人在試吹 Vibrato 色士風後,都驚嘆它的音色與傳統金屬製造的色士風所差無幾。
1) 片段1 – Vibrato Sax A1 (第一代塑料色士風, 現已停產)
2) 片段2 – Vibrato Sax A1S (第二代塑料色士風, 現已停產)
3) 片段3 – Vibrato Sax A1SG (2013 年限量版, 現已停產)
4) 片段4 – 小朋友試吹 Vibrato Sax
第一代Vibrato Sax A1推出後,Vibrato 根據不同用家的反應和意見,作出不斷的改良。目前 Vibrato 的中音色士風已經進入第二代 A1S,,最新的型號為 A1SIII。

Vibrato A1SIII Alto Saxophone.

An improvement on the original Vibrato A1 and A1S models.

This is Vibrato Alto’s flagship model. The raw material uses on this A1SIII has been developed in house for many years. This is simply the best Alto they have ever made , not only it sounds best but also plays very good. With the higher dampening properties of a new raw material allow the sound waves from mouthpiece more smoothly giving better control and projection.

A traditional brass sax is very sensitive and users find that the sound can be distorted easily, not to mention the frequent maintenance and cleaning required.  The Vibrato A1-III requires much less maintenance compared to a brass sax.

Only 900gm – great for travelling with or for children & anyone with a bad back.

Water resistant & lightweight – great for buskers & marching bands.

Good serious fun! – Not intended to replace a professional saxophone but it plays really well, it’s the price of a cheap Chinese student sax but a lot more fun.

Expand your tonal palette! – Sounds remarkably like a regular brass sax but retains it’s own special tonal character.

Mouthpiece and strap is included, along with our pre sale set up of the instrument, making sure the sax will play as intended.

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重量 0.9 公斤

彩虹, 藍色, 粉紅色, 黑色, 白色, 橙色

